Saturday, April 10, 2021

The FAUXty-Sixth President


    Over eighty million patriots witnessed an undeniable attack on their Constitutional rights during the November 2020 election. Anyone with two eyes and common sense would agree that it was a travesty to our voting rights. Moreover, it was an infringement on the loved ones from the grave whose names were plucked to further a corrupt agenda. That night, the voting was recessed and while we were sleeping, millions of additional votes came through for Joe Biden. It was a miraculous affair!

    As the plot thickened, only patriots seemed to see the horrendous display set before them. However, the media pressed the issue that Donald Trump lost the race and these claims were because "Republicans were upset they lost." The media discounted the fraudulent accusations while overlooking the most accurate testimonies from actual poll workers.  The votes cast by hard-working Americans were magically flipped in favor for the Democratic party. Poll workers were heavily guarded by inducing the "six feet apart" narrative, polling place windows were covered with cardboard pizza boxes to keep onlookers from observing, and poll workers were turned away from their legally binding positions because of the party they affiliated with. The online ballot systems that were used (another writing piece in itself) but they were fed in the machine voting for Red and it came out in favor of Blue. 

     Furthermore, poll workers are seen on security camera stealing ballots and throwing them in the trash cans, putting them in bags and burning them, only allowing Sharpies to be used (which are not able to be read by the machines), placing ballots in dumpsters, sent to shredding companies, and even changed on the spot with pens filled in by the poll workers themselves. 

But there was "no voter fraud."

    There was a dark agenda set in motion to plop a senile puppet in the Oval Office to sign presidential Executive Orders for those working behind the scenes. The president-in-hiding will be revealed soon and the people will feel more infringed upon. This country will be changed forever. Of this, I am confident.  

    If your patriotism has been suffering lately, you are not alone. If your voice was stolen, you are screaming internally. Perhaps you have taken to social media because that's your outlet . Perhaps you have given up completely. Let me aid in building up your hope a tad. 

    On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden was sworn in as the forty-sixth president of the United States...or was he? With so many details not adding up such as the media prohibited within a certain distance of the inauguration stage, citizen journalists recorded it being very cloudy and overcast while the "live" media showed it being extremely sunny and windy. The seats were filled with the most sick and corrupt individuals- all at the same location. Could it have been prerecorded so no arrests could be made? Guests were masked, photos were not permitted, there were only a few hundred peasants invited to watch down on the lawn, the military failed to salute the new Commander in Chief, and when they arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. they couldn't enter because they were locked out of the White House. 

    In order to understand the "was he?" component, we must go back in time. Our school's history books have taught us that in 1776, fifty-six of our great Founding Fathers wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence. In 1787, the Constitution was forged. For ninety-five years, the people of the United States were free and independent. However, a great majority of the American people do not know that there are TWO Constitutions in the United States. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “constitution of the United States FOR America” was changed to the “The Constitution of the United States OF America”. Some people do not understand that one or two words difference in a legal document DO make a critical difference, but Congress knew and still knows. 

    In 1871, The Civil War had ended and the country was weakened and financially depleted. President Ulysses S. Grant was influenced by both political forces of reform and corruption and would appoint various Cabinet members to clean up the executive corruption. Grant's reactions to the scandals ranged from prosecuting the perpetrators to protecting or pardoning those who were accused and convicted of the crimes. There was no accountability because the leader had no political conscience. 

    With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress cut a deal with the international bankers (specifically Rothschild’s of London) to incur a DEBT to said bankers. Because the bankers were not about to lend money to a floundering nation without serious stipulations, they devised a way to get their foot in the door of the United States. Thus, the Act was passed. The Act of 1871 formed a corporation called THE UNITED STATES. The corporation, OWNED by foreign interests, moved in and shoved the original constitution into a dustbin. With the Act of 1871, the organic constitution was defaced — in effect vandalized and sabotage — when the title was capitalized and the word “for” was changed to “of” in the title.

    With the passage of this Act, a city state ( a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on ten square miles of parcel in the heart of Washington, was formed with its own flag and its own independent Constitution. A secret Constitution. 

    World wide, there are only three city states, each of them aid in controlling the world.

  1. London, England- Finance
  2. Vatican City- Spiritually
  3. Washington DC (U.S.)- Military

    The flag of DC has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City.”

Mind Blown! 

    The Constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). With the Act t of 1871, it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original Constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens. The President is the Chief Executive of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO of a corporation. He governs with a Board of Directors (Cabinet) and managers (Senators/Congress). This revision put the United States back under British rule which is also under Vatican rule.  The US people lost their true independence on February 21,1871.  THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the people into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges.
     As of 1871 the United States ceased being a country, it’s a business. In preparation for stealing America, the puppets of Britain’s corrupt banking alliance had already created a second government designed to manage what the people believed was a "democracy," but what really was an in-secret shadow government  by the incorporated US. 
    Let us consider this for a moment: When this Act was passed, The US government became a corporate instrument of the international bankers. This means you are owned by the corporation from birth to death. The corporate UNITED STATES also holds ownership of all your assets, your property, and even your children. Does this sound untrue? Think long and hard about all those bills you pay, all those various taxes and fines and licenses you must pay for. Yes, they've got you by the pockets. Actually, they've had you by the pockets for as long as you've been alive. In your heart, you know it's true. Don't believe any of this? Read up on the 14th Amendment. 

    In summary, the CORPORATION is a separate entity from the organic REPUBLIC. As the 45th President of the US, Donald J. Trump had been working to omit the US Corporation and restore the true Republic. He has been draining the "swamp" little by little from that corporation. On January 20, Biden was sworn in as President of the United States....CORPORATION. Not the United States of the REPUBLIC- the true America. We have been lied to, once again. 

    If you are like so many patriots, watching the inauguration of Biden was a gut-wrenching fool fest. Many continued to "hold the line" and wait for Trump to intervene. He never did. Trump never once conceded. Instead, he made a speech before boarding Air Force One to take him to Mar-a-Lago in Florida. He left. Gone, faster than a Biden thought. Perhaps you are sitting there watching the news and seeing the chaos surrounding us at this time, but think about this. On May 4, 2020, a document was released signed by Trump with a title of "Chief Executive Officer of the UNITED STATES" where the United States Corporation Company filed  bankruptcy in Florida Northern Bankruptcy Court.



CASE NO: 20-40375-KKS

    Everyone knows that the true and legitimate President of the United States is rightly and legally Donald J. Trump, leading with over eighty-million votes. We The People see it. Biden swore in as President, but of the corporation, not of "the people." How could a President trying to destroy the centuries-deep corruption scheme within the walls of DC "rule" from DC? 
He can't . 
Trump must reside somewhere else bc remember DC is part of the CORPORATION. Therefore he HAD to leave. Florida. Donald J. Trump is STILL President-just President of the United States of the REPUBLIC. 
    In January 2016  Trump said “Writing my inaugural address at the Winter White House, Mar-a-Lago,” he tweeted from his elite private club, along with a photograph of himself seated behind a large desk, legal pad and pen in hand. Mar-a-Lago is the most lavish winter White House, but for a century chief executives have tried to escape Washington when the snow flies. Could we have a shift in tides soon? Could we have a new "White House" of the Republic?  I have a feeling that there will become a new Capitol and America will begin again the way it was forged to be by our fifty-six Founding Fathers. 

Sunday, March 14, 2021

PIZZAgate; Slice 1- "Skippy" & Ping Pong

Dissecting Pizzagate 

   DID YOU KNOW?  If you are anything like me, you despise the term "conspiracy theorist." When the CIA coined that phrase in 1967, it was weaponized, just as so many other labels have been used to distract, manipulate and change the narrative to suit their agenda. It was a phrase used to make those seeking the truth to look as imbeciles. If you wish to read more, included here is the CIA Dispatch.

    There are alot of Truthers who have red-pilled on the ever-famous Pizzagate story and I was one of them. It was one theory that shook me to my core so violently that it literally took me a week to recover from. Not only are the pizza "tunnels" long, but they are deep... and grow dark....rapidly. They twist and turn, run together, and every route is related. 

    If you are new to Pizzagate or are sharing this with someone who thinks this is a story about a giant supreme pizza with extra cheese, I will try and make this as understandable as possible. However, I would like you to take note that this will not be a pretty story. This will not make you feel invincible nor encouraged. This will not be an article that makes you want to "share" but you will because you want the truth to be exposed. I will go deep into the demonic nature of those who "lead" us and I highly suggest you pray up before continuing. If you don't pray to God, you will. You will be altered. Dark will be brought into the light. We will take this Slice by Slice. 

    The first anyone heard of the story was on December 4, 2016 when a 28 year old North Carolina father walked through the doors of a D.C. pizza shop armed with an assault-rifle, fired a shot at the lock on the door all in order to self investigate a possible child sex trafficking scheme.  After police surrounded him, he surrendered himself and left in handcuffs. He was sentenced to four and a half years in prison.

Edgar Maddison Welch

     He was not of unsound mind. He was a regular American citizen who had researched and become emotionally involved-which is easy to do. Becoming invested, led to this event. Should he have brought a gun? No. Should he have self investigated? Absolutely. But some may question "Why Comet Ping Pong?" 

    It was November of 2016 and Wikileaks, an international organization that published news leaks, had just provided the world with an email dump. But what was this massive dump for? No one cared to read outdated emails from Hillary Clinton, her top aides, or even John McCain. The news media told us everything we needed to know so if it was crucial, they would let us know. Right?

    Hillary Clinton had been running for the Presidency against DJT and her campaign manager, John Podesta, fell for a scam which hackers convinced him to reveal his password to his email. The hackers then had access to his emails to and from the considered future first woman President. Had it not been for Podesta's emails, the corruption tower would never have begun to crumble. This was the Genesis. 

     In the heart of Washington D.C. sits a seemingly family-fun pizza shop called Comet Ping Pong.

    It was always busy and bustling with the who's-who of the D.C. area. Countless politicians, law makers, FBI, law enforcement officers, presidents, and a lot of Hollywood upper-class dined there and sang its praises. 

James Alefanis
The owner, James Alefantis, was listed as one of DC's 50 most powerful people in GQ magazine. A pizza shop owner? This is what GQ had to say about Mr. Alefantis.

"Alefantis is also the board president of Transformer, the contemporary art gallery that shamed the Smithsonian for removing an installation offensive to right-wingers. When it comes to D.C. radical chic, Alefantis is unsurpassed. If you don’t know him, you aren’t wearing your scarf right."      

    In addition to being a trendy spot, the pizza shop was, and still is, a hangout place for beanie wearing hipsters and beer-drinking frat boys with starched and ironed khaki slacks. It is also a central location for many local tone-deaf bands to play with the unreachable hopes of becoming the next BUSH or No Doubt while being surrounded by strobes and black lights for ambiance. The lights accent the man in drag ("Majestic Ape") who comes to "entertain" the I-used-to-be-cool adults with perverted conversation and pitiful excuse for a comedy routine. The artwork on the walls as well as in the bathrooms are sexualized murals and graffiti relating to sex. The band posters are also concerning but not to the people who go there. 

    However, James Alefantis is anything but a humble pizza peddler. They say a picture can say a thousand words. If so, these are novels.

Depraved "artwork" hanging on CPP walls


    Secondly, let's delve into who exactly Mr. Podesta is and how these two characters intertwine. Up until 2016, the thin figured, stern-faced man hadn't been in the spotlight much. He is familiar with the Swamp as his resume` consisted of being the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations from 1997-1998, was promoted from 1998-2001 as White House Chief of Staff and assistant to Bill Clinton. When the news of the Lewinsky scandal emerged, Podesta was in charge of handling the crisis and quickly became known as the one to put out fires. He then became Counselor to Barack Obama from 2014-2015 and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager in 2016. 

    In addition to wading in the DC swamp, Podesta was also an avid "art" collector. His home was full of artwork also featured on the walls of Comet Ping Pong. His favorite artist is Kim Noble who claims to have 20 personalities and needs a major therapy session. The artwork displayed in Podesta's home is equally as demented as what's in his brother's (Tony) home. 

Podesta also favors pieces by BILJANA ĐURĐEVIĆ

    Those who worked closely with Podesta learned quickly that he had a hot temper that would make the wallpaper wilt off of the walls of the Oval Office. The man who would be speaking with confidence to the press would come off the stage and his persona rapidly changed to a quickly angered, edgy, and sarcastic man. This was his alter ego. When riled up, his voice would change in tone, demeanor altered, and this character was quickly referred to as his evil twin, "Skippy." Fellow staffers had been privy to Skippy coming out during meetings and had witnessed the temper driving him. 
Why do I mention this background? Nothing is coincidence. Everything has a meaning.  

    In the email leaks, there was a strange lyrical focus within the text that didn't make sense. Internet sleuths quickly noticed numerous references to pizza, cheese, pasta, and hotdogs when it was a business related email. For example: "The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related"), or a man dreaming of "your hotdog stand in Hawaii." One said, "Mary [John's wife] not free. Would love to get pizza for an hour? Or come over".

    Throughout these emails to different people including Obama and Hillary, a common place was mentioned. 
Comet Ping Pong.

    Podesta was well known for throwing large "pizza parties" and used Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong frequently. John Podesta's brother, Tony, is also cc'd in his emails as they did  business together. Merely a pizza pie restaurateur, Alefantis visited the Obama White House four times and once was an overnighter. Being one of four, one overnight guest also included a male porn star.  

Okay, big deal.

Perhaps Podesta really enjoyed cooking for people.

Perhaps Alefantis being a homosexual pizza chef really liked being #49.

Perhaps pasta and pizza are a D.C. thing.

Perhaps Podesta tends to "CC" his wife on most of his "business" emails bc she wants to know his daily schedule.

Perhaps Obama spending thousands and thousands of dollars on HOTDOGS being flown to the White House is because he really enjoys hotdogs.

(If you buy any of that, you're one who wears two masks)

    According to the FBI, pedophiles use certain code words to communicate their plans or desires to fellow pedos. Others involved in pedophilia recognize the words and it seems as if they are having conversations about random things, when in reality, they have a completely different agenda.

A "map" that is pizza related? 
ADDITIONAL FACT: Certain sectors of people attracted to minors have coined the word "MAP"(Minor Attracted Person) in order to distance themselves with the stigma of pedophilia. 
    Armchair detectives who were familiar with these code words immediately made note of Podesta's terminology and read every single email, taking screenshots just in case they were scrubbed from the internet. 

   Though Alefantis may seem like a modern day Chef Boyardee, let's look at his Instagram account which has now been changed to "Private."

"Chicken lover"-Slang-Adult male homosexual sexually attracted to underage males 

    I would like to also interject something here. Look at this man's shirt at which the hashtag also was echoed by Alefantis. It reads in French, "J [loves] L' Enfants." Translation: "J loves the children." 
Who's J? 
Oddly enough, James Alefantis translates in French to J'aime a l'enfantes. "I Love The Children." Coincidence?

Close up of a dead pig's eye

@Tony Podesta's house

    If this is indeed a "conspiracy theory," the Instagram photos definitely do not come to their defense. 

   RABBIT HOLE: Not only am I a researcher, but I am also a genealogist. It turns out that Alefantis is part of the Rothschild bloodline – the banking family who date back to 17th century Bavaria and are believed to be part of every major world event. The Rothschilds are believed to have installed central banks in nations including the USA in 1913 and were also thought to have implemented the fall of the French, Russian and British Empires and caused the two world wars, all for financial and power gain. It is said they control the International Monetary Fund, the Federal Reserve and the World Health Organization and financed both sides of all modern wars and revolutions. With regards to Alefantis, his great grandfather was Evelyn Achille de Rothschild, an Army officer born in Buffalo, New York who was killed in 1917 during the Great War. Two years before he died, his illegitimate son Louis George was born, and inherited the name of his mother as she nor Evelyn were married at the time.

    Louis George Alefantis then married Helen Rappas, who then gave birth to two sons – one being Achilles Louis Alefantis who then grew up to have James Alefantis in 1974. Even James's middle name is Achilles in memory of not only his father but his great grandfather, a Rothschild. His parents are often seen hanging with the Clintons and there is even an image of his father prodding Prince Phillip of the British Royal family in the chest whilst speaking at a party – showing his power and stature. James’ uncle and aunt – Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild – are also pictured and seen in the company of royal families and the Clintons. So we are to believe that the political elite enjoy an Alefantis pizza? Or simply his family connection?

    Let's review.
  • John Podesta aka "Skippy", major swamp rat. While working on the Clinton campaign, this was his office. Check out the artwork.


  • Has an incredible fascination with pizza, walnut sauce, and handkerchiefs.
  • Deep roots connected to questionable characters around the DC area.
  • Has major anger issues.
  • Artwork in his home is disturbing
  • Brother's artwork is even more questionable
  • Emails are suspiciously coded

James Alefantis
  • Descends from the Rothschild bloodline.
  • Makes pizza but is GQ's #49 most powerful people.
  • Instagram is pedophile headquarters.
  • Corrupt elite connections.
  • Comet Ping Pong features sexual "artwork" on the walls.
  • Strange drag "entertainment".
There are loads more to uncover and it will be done little by little. This piece is mainly to allow you to get a grasp of the beginning. It is all downhill from here.

    To conclude SLICE 1, I would like to include a video that has been found and compared to John Podesta. Skippy seems to make an appearance as well.

Kim Noble's artwork-
AWESOME video content on PizzaGate-

The FAUXty-Sixth President

           Over eighty million patriots witnessed an undeniable attack on their Constitutional rights during the November 2020 election. Any...